All our products can be guaranteed for highest possible safety, quality and efficacy due to its
strict adherence to secure high quality raw material source, reliable and efficacious processes, high quality standards conforming to International norms, where repeatability, traceability as well as accurate batch and event reporting are key functions in the process.

Key Features of Quality Control Dept.:

  • State of the art production facilities.
  • State of the art testing equipments.
  • Specialization in production of high quality injectables through advance technology.
  • Highest possible quality standards meeting the specifications of US and European
  • Our proprietary manufacturing process are developed by in-house R&D
    scientists and technologists.
  • Each product developed by us goes through rigorous Quality Control & Manufacturing procedures starting with R&D and Pilot scale production.
  • Raw material sourced from WHO approved source.
  • Product and control procedures carried out according to international WHO GMP


Currently Tablet and Capsule manufacturing capacity across all our plants is approx. 1 million Tablets / Capsules per shift.

Syrup and Suspension manufacturing capacity across all our plants is approx. 50 thousand bottles per shift.

Quality Policy

We have put in place the infrastructure and procedures to support a stringent quality policy. All our systems are well documented and are implemented by an expert trained staff with a line of reporting that is independent of manufacturing.

We are committed to ensure that every product we manufacture and distribute meets with and conforms over its shelf life to internationally accepted standards of quality, purity, efficacy and safety.

At each manufacturing site, the latest analytical instruments and tightly monitored quality assurance and quality control systems ensures consistent quality of our products.